Latest Stories
Kim’s Statistics
Kim’s Statistics—4 March 2022 through 31 December 2024 Well! I’m finally finished updating my stats! The details—including how these details blend with the details of my previous twenty-nine years—may be viewed at The last two years and nine months have proved a truly wild ride. A mostly really wonderful ride, but did[…]
A Pattern for the Woolie!
This pattern is tucked within my book, Nourish + Thrive. For those who haven’t purchased my book, this pattern is for sale on Etsy at! Also, Carrie Hull, the woman (and midwife) who helped me create this pattern, is willing to knit Woolies for those who’d rather purchase a finished product than attempt to[…]
Book Sales for the Holidays
I’ve reduced my book prices for the holiday season! Through the end of 2024 Nourish + Thrive will cost only $14.99 versus $24.99! Homebirth—Safe + Sacred will cost only $6.49 versus $9.99! And Homebirth—Commonly Asked Questions will cost only $3.99 versus $5.99! I’m not in charge of pricing for A Midwife in Amish Country, but[…]
Nourish + Thrive!
The newest edition of Nourish + Thrive is FINALLY finished and available!!! I’m really thrilled with this edition! It’s now nearly 400 pages spanning three parts! Part One includes an excerpt from Homebirth—Safe + Sacred detailing the safety of birthing at home, a chapter describing the care generally provided by homebirth midwives, a complete listing[…]
Let’s Gather!
Hello, Dear Friends! We’re going to take a second stab at hosting our reunion after getting stormed out last Friday! This time, though, we’ll be gathering on Sunday afternoon/evening, September 29th, from 4:00pm, right here at our house! We’ll start a fire toward dark for those who’d like to linger ♥ If you’re a client,[…]
Why Not Home?
Curious about homebirth? At 6:30pm on Thursday evening, September 12th, Hannah and I will be hosting a screening of the 78-minute film, Why Not Home? The Surprising Birth Choices of Doctors and Nurses, at PLE Chiropractic! If you’ve not yet seen the film, here’s little about it from the producers themselves: Why would doctors who[…]
A Woman Twice My Age
Thirty years ago this morning, filled with my own baby, I perched precariously upon the edge of a surprisingly little bed as a woman twice my age birthed her 11 pound, 2 ounce baby… I sat there and breathed with her as she squeezed my hand with all of her might… Two months later to[…]
Mom! I’ve Been Thinking!
Mom! I’ve been thinking! Four words I’ve heard more times than I can count… Four words that’ve greeted me at doors, roused me from sleep, disrupted our homeschooling schedule, and interrupted my own train of interesting thoughts… Four of my very favorite words ever ♥♥♥♥ And so Paul’s doing a thing! He’s wrestled a[…]
legacy /ˈleɡəsē/ …the long-lasting affect of a particular set of events, actions, etcetera that occurred in the past, or the impact of a person’s life… …something imparted by or received from someone or something from the past… I recently learned when a midwife attends to a birthing woman whose birth she also attended, it’s called[…]
Baby Number One
30 years ago today I attended the very first birth of my career ♥ A Midwife in Amish Country Chapter Three RING! The rude noise scattered my dreams and sent my pulse crashing into my ears. I jolted upright. What was that? I patted my hand over the bedside table, searching for the clock. Why[…]